Monday, 15 November 2010

Look what I found

Good grief, thankyou so much for your all your lovely comments on my first post. As Alice said, it was like a house-warming party. It feels lovely to know you've hopped over here with me.

I just found some pictures that were recovered from a catastrophic crash several years ago.

They were squirreled away in a 'recovered' file. I hadn't looked at them since they were taken.

They're all pictures of eldest who is about to turn five

It's even better than finding a ten pound note down the back of the settee.


  1. Oh my goodness, that last one is amazing - her eyes haven't changed!

  2. Some hearts will be broken by those eyes I think! Lovely little one and so glad you hadn't lost those photos.


  3. Oh my goodness, you could get lost in those beautiful eyes!! :)
    Vivienne x

  4. She is beautiful.My two were like that, big eyes and very little hair, cute so cute. Oh! should say they still have big eyes and they have hair. Well one is loosing his hair, he's nearly 30. Glad to say my daughter has her hair, but over the years it has been some strange colours.

  5. My goodness - those eyes are amazing. And I'm thinking she must be a similar age there to the tiny pebble when I met her and you can tell they are sisters (and gorgeous ones at that)!

  6. What a cutey!!! Time goes to fast when it comes to your little ones.

  7. Stunning! What a relief to have rescued those.

    (And please thank her for gamely chatting with Little Lad last evening...)

  8. Wow. What a beautiful baby Emma! Really .. probably the most beautiful one I have seen. I love that middle pic particularly.

  9. What priceless tresure to have found. Gorgeous girl!xx

  10. Ooooh, new blog... how exciting. Good find on the photo's, she's lovely! x

  11. Treasure indeedy. Though my kids were leaping with joy when I found a wayward $20 in my coat pocket on Sunday and declared it an ice cream find. What do kids know about precious baby photos...

  12. What a looker! She will definetly turn a few heads and break many a heart.

  13. I absolutely love the first one. It made me smile..still smiling.

  14. Ahhh lovely photos.... It goes so fast doesn't it? I really have to find a way to stop my youngest from getting any older.....

  15. Recovered treasures!

    (Now back them up somewhere, right?)

  16. What a little angel! I can imagine your delight at finding those photos! Penny x

  17. Those photos truly are TREASURES beyond belief.........

  18. Oh, just lovely. And those eyes are unmistakable.

    I lost almost a year's worth of pictures once when a laptop died completely. Back up, back up - a lesson learned, but a little too late.

  19. Oh here you are! I like your new digs!

    And those eyes ... my babes looked like that. Big blue eyes and bald heads.

  20. Oh my, what big blue eyes! Beautiful! (And I say that as a blue-eyed girl myself!)
    Thank you for sharing such treasures.
    Z xx

  21. Love the photos! SO cute! :) x

  22. Awwwwwwwwww - blimey those pictures are gorgeous.

    Nina xxx

  23. What sweet pictures! How wonderful to find them again - like a treasure trove.
    Helen x

  24. Just look at those amazing eyes! Lovely photos Emma :o)


  25. Awwww, she's so beautiful. What a lovely find. Welcome to Blogger, Emma. I hope you'll be very happy here. :) x

  26. I love the wisdom in Little People's eyes...yet they have a deep innocence at the same time...its wonderful.

    Julia x x x

  27. Oh, what a cutie! And super-trendy haircut there on that second one x

  28. Isn't it wonderful to look back at such beautiful pictures of your darling daughter! xx

  29. Oh that first one! What a darling :-)


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