Thursday, 18 November 2010

Silver pennants necklace

As I was saying...

It seems that necklaces with little flags on are quite the thing  and I've wanted to make one for a month or two. Silver clay can be a tricky mistress though. There's physics to be considered. At first I made attachment holes in the little flags. They hung too low on the chain and the holes ruined the look. Then I incorporated the wire into each little pennant so that it became part of the chain and it seemed to work. 

All I need now is a troupe of tiny pixies with little trestle tables and an urge for a street party. Failing that this will be on my stall this Saturday, at the Pick N Mix Makers Market in Holt, Norfolk and something similar may appear on etsy soon.

I realised that as well as the dining room table, my kitchen hob is often part of my creative space. I took this snap last night whilst I was cooking tea. I'm steaming carrots, frying little homemade burgers and firing silver bunting at the same time. All the major foodgroups are represented.

There are more creative spaces over at Kootoyoo.

The slight blog stutter last night was caused by a loud woofing incident, leading to a slip of the fingers whilst I was typing. The moral? Do not blog near a noisy dog.


  1. Your new blog looks lovely Emma and the necklace is beautiful. Locket x

  2. Very on trend Emma ;-)

    The burgers look good too.

    Good luck at Holt - lots of lovely people too, say hi to Jon and Sarah (Ploverwing) and Vicky (Red Red Blue) for me.


  3. Your post made me smile - I LOVE the necklace and the tea cooking and crafting side by side is a perfect example of the dovetailing of your two roles!
    Helen x

  4. Squeeeeee!

    And what do you mean, ir "sort of worked". It definitely worked, you clever old thing!

    Perhaps you should feed said noisy dog burgers to keep her occupied. I could have done with some over here - as you could hear, it was barely controlled chaos and that's AFTER I had escaped to the hallway.

  5. I definitely think silver should be one of our 'five-a-day'!!
    Beautiful necklace. :)
    Vivienne x

  6. How lovely!
    great bit of multitasking going on there.

  7. Love it! Very pretty. You have the same stove as me bu the look of it and how useful to have space to do some multi tasking which is what we ladies are so good at eh?!!


  8. The pennant necklace is wonderful and your dog related posting incident made me smile! How we juggle, eh?

  9. It doesn't help to blog with a dog who thinks that under the computer desk is really her bat cave! She was scared of her master, Mr M, chewing gum as it sounded like little pops as he blew bubbles. She is the dog for whom we have a 'beware of the dog' sign on the gate! Sorry about the dog story when I really wanted to say, your necklace is amazing.

  10. Ooh lovely fairy bunting! what a beautiful necklace, Emma - good luck with your upcoming stall, I bet you'll sell out!!
    I tried to read your blog last night when you were posting about Hairy P and it wasn't happy. Glad everything's back to normal. Did you muzzle the dog by any chance?


  11. Love the bunting! So simple (looking) yet unique. Very pretty. Cute little burgers too.

  12. Very pretty! Like the cooking and crafting at the same time photo as well! Good luck at the fair! :) x

  13. wahhooo for silver bunting, glad you didn't mix the silver with the carrots :-) Oohh those photos you found are so so cute - eldest pebble was the most adorable baby!

  14. Little bunting necklace - that is so cute.

    I have to say out of all creative spaces I've viewed yours is the most natural and lovely - cooking and creating at the same time, now that's an organised mum.

    take care,

    Nina xxx

  15. Love the necklace!! It reminds me of a horse show and the ribbons you get - and I must say that is talent to be cooking and making these at the same time!

  16. Oh I love love love the pennant necklace! How I wish I could be in Holt (one of my favorite towns) this weekend to visit your stall. K x

  17. Very original and very you..........

  18. Hello! I'm late to the new housewarming! Looks lovely here!

  19. Thanks so much for stopping by! I have joined your blog. So nice to "meet" new people :-) I LOVE you necklace - truly unique and different - always LOVE that :-)

  20. Love the bunting necklace, sure to be popular!

  21. How very pretty. Bunting around the neck is a lovely idea!
    I'm just glad you didn't hang the burgers on the necklace and serve up the silver.
    (Look at all the comments)

  22. I really like the necklace. thank you for visiting me at my blog.


  23. Love the bunting necklace. I think there could be quite some demand for it!
    For some reason it reminded me a bit of a Tardis key necklace I once saw (and coveted) although yours is much more elegant.

  24. I see you. I love your silver bunting.

  25. lol.. i'll take that blogging advice to heart ;)
    popped in from my creative space. nice to meet you!

  26. Lovely necklace and really lovely new blog home.

    (Settles down for a cosy read.)

  27. Oh Emma -- that's ADORABLE! What a cute, cute necklace -- Well Done!!!

  28. that made me laugh alot! I love how we are Mum's and makers in equal measure and often it is very hard to distinguish which is which!

    Love your new blog space too x

  29. Lovely necklace Emma, I really like the fact that the shapes vary. x


I so love reading your comments and will try very hard to answer them but sometimes life gets in the way and I don't manage every time. Thankyou for dropping in here and taking the time to say something - it means a great deal.