Thursday, 11 November 2010

My Creative Space

Here is my new online home. Sadly Wordpress was not working for me. Simply updating the Wordpress silverpebble blog to a state in which an etsy widget may have been possible was so complex that it no longer made sense. 

So here I am, hoping very much that you've come over here with me (is anybody there?), and enjoying the feeling of a fresh start. I feel like sharpening some pencils. My original blog will still be there to serve as my archive but this is the new virtual place where I'll be sharing my jewellery-making.

My physical creative space is currently the dining room table shown above. My tools and silverclay must be cleared away or at least piled upon the sideboard before we sit down to eat. This is about to change. Youngest is about to move out of her cot. This is very exciting for her and slightly sad for me. I can no longer call her a baby - she's most definitely a toddler, if not a little girl.

As she moves out of this tiny room that has been her nursery I shall be moving in. This will be my new workspace, and the silver lining to my ambivalent feelings about the transition into her 'big girl's bed'. So, along with this new blog, I will have a room of my own.

It's all change around here.

You can go and nosey at other bloggers' creative spaces over at Kootoyoo


  1. I'm here!!
    Love the new look!
    Lucky you getting a new workspace despite the pull at the heart strings involved.
    Vivienne x

  2. I've just hopped over from kootoyoo's - welcome to to your shiny new space ..

    ... if you haven't tried Microsoft Live Writer to blog offline give it a go ... it makes incorporating pics so much easier - I'm almost evangelical about it, but the blogger interface can be a little bit grrr sometimes ...

    What a poignant start to your soon to be physical space - I'm sure you will fill it with gorgeousness

  3. Great new look for the blog! Enjoy your new workspace.

  4. Ooh, this is a lovely new space! Cheery and colorful and with your gorgeous flickr stream and etsy stuff and even a comment box where I don't have to squint to see the numbers I'm supposed to enter! Wheeeee!

    And the spooky thing is that I am getting ready to post about the little attic crafty space I just created for myself. Now I just need a craft...

  5. Yes we are here! Will change your blog address on my list of blogs I follow now!

    Enjoy your new workspace - your little one will always be your baby even if no longer in her cot - mine is 29 and still my little one (don't tell her though!)

    Love the new look page. Look forward to many more visits in the future.


  6. A new space! The transition to a big bed is quite a milestone. We kept putting it off for our oldest but what a silver lining for you. Your very own space. Looking forward to your Etsy shop opening.

  7. It's lovely! Good old reliable blogger. I hope you enjoy your new workspace, and your little lady's transition to a big bed too once you're there. Thanks for your comment about the plastic flowers pics - I was thinking, would you like me to email high-res files so you can just print them at your leisure? No cost :) x

  8. This looks great Emma and will certainly follow you here! Slightly poignant that,as you get your own space, I may be about to lose mine to accommodate frail and beloved ancient father in law! Enjoy it.

  9. If it's any consolation, Littlest may have a big bed but she mainly gets out of it and sleeps next to me.

  10. Hello and what a pretty new blog! I've updated you on my blogroll too.

  11. Love the new blog :) I am currently working on my own craft studio and find the space itself helps with my creativity. I'm sure you will find both your new places a breath of fresh air.

  12. Great new look!
    It is heart wrenching that our little ones have to grow up isn't it? Good luck with all your changes.

  13. Why Missus Pebble, I do like the smart new surroundings.

    There is that heart-tugging moment when the littlest one makes one of those mahoosive stage changes but the benefits far outweigh the emotions.

  14. Well well well. I am green with the thought of 'own space'. Will come and see it soon I hope. LOL Ax

  15. A new start, new beginings - all is good.

    take care

    Nina xxx

  16. I like your look Emma and I like it so much more than wordpress, but then I'm biased to blogger. Somehow the background, colours and all seem so much more you. Good move I think.

    First pic is stunning too by the way. Like you I either take over the table for days before a fair and so we all eat on laps and trays or I have to keep piling up. It requires more energy to get motivated to doing as you have to set up your creative space first. As V.Woolf said we all need a room of our own. Enjoy yours and enjoy the changes that growing girls bring. I always feel sad as we move into each phase, but then each bit brings new pleasures so wooohoo I say.

    Think of Teena and I on Saturday with a mallet, signs and easterly gales on the side of the road won't you. Looking forward to catching up next week.

    Lisa x

  17. wwhoo you are here :-) Loving your new look and how exciting getting a new space of your own - it sounds like it will be lovely.

  18. I made my older son stay in a cot till he was 3 1/2 as he liked it and I didn't want him to grow up! Then to solve the 'both my children are so big' problem I had another baby! Why do I want to keep them small and snuggly?!
    Enjoy having your own space, it such a bonus to be able to leave a project half way through and not have to tidy it up.xx

  19. I'm here! And I booted Johnny out of his bedroom o get a little space of my own too - I may have to share when we have guests, but most of the time it is mine! Oddly I still favour the dining table though...

  20. Oooh, it all looks new and shiny and very pretty over here!

    I'm glad you're able to turn a potentially bittersweet transition into a very exciting one!

  21. Woo-hoooo! hi there!

    And there was me wondering whether to move from blogger to wordpress because I can't get blogger to do a mobile phone version of the layout.

    Perhaps I'll ditch that thought right now, sounds like I'm best where I am.

    Wishing you lots of happy blogging from your new home and making room :-)


  22. I'm here! Lovely new space and design. Sometimes it's good to start a-fresh, isn't it!?

  23. Just popped over to see your new blogspace. How swish are you???!!??? Enjoy your new workspace too. Looking forward to seeing what you get up to.

  24. New blog, new workspace. What next? I'll have to update your link on my blog now.

  25. Hope you enjoy your new blog space, it looks lovely. And your new workspace too, altho' I can totally relate to your sadness about moving her from the cot. My littlest, Islay, wasn't moved into a bed until her third birthday, and even then I felt very sensitive about it. Juliex

  26. welcome to your new home! and enjour your new creative home too xxxx

  27. I'm still here, and really looking forward to seeing what happens to your new workspace!

    I too work on the dining room table, so know all about endlessly clearing everything away. I have a lovely, imaginary studio though, which is constantly being tinkered with and added to....

  28. Better late than neve! It's all looking very fresh. Love your new space(s).

  29. Your new blog looks great! Looking forward to seeing how your new work area develops. The jewellery looks gorgeous, I wish I had a kiln so I could use silver clay, it's looks like fun! :) x

  30. It's very beautiful here ...i am looking forward to hanging outnwith you in this new space..

  31. What a lovely house warming party - even if I am 'fashionably' late. And I spy with my little eye some ivy berries in the very first photo. I am really touched to be a tiny part of this lovely post.

  32. Welcome to blogger, I hope you'll be happy here!
    Looks great already, beautiful pictures.
    And I love the sound of your packaging :-)

  33. What a lovely new blog, and wishing you the very best of luck in your new workspace. Everywoman needs a room of her own. I didn't have one to myself until my sons were 10 and 14 respectively... please do enjoy it!

  34. Thanks for sharing these new and 'emotional movings' on in your life xox

  35. Tracked you down to your new place - hope it works well for you1

  36. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I'm very envious of the new studio - I had to pack mine into the box room when babies came along - it's more of a store room these day, sigh... Lovely jewellery, I've a new thing for birds, seems I've found a nice new place to visit.

  37. Good luck and much fun with all the changes!

  38. How wonderful to have your own workspace, I can only dream of that at the moment. Though it is a sad thing when baby moves from a cot to a big kids bed, time goes by way too fast.. Your jewellery is just lovely. Thanks for popping over to my place..

  39. I'm here! I wouldn't miss it! Although, your new blogger format puts you in the category that won't work on my main computer, so I might not be able to comment in as timely of a fashion -- I have to visit the old computer to comment. ;-( (Darn blogger -- but I'm not complaining, I learned my lesson last time LOL!)

  40. How exciting to have your own workspace. I know just what you mean about having to clear the table of all crafty things before dinner! And such a lovely new blog space, too.

    K x

  41. I'm here too! It's all looking lovely, enjoy your new space, both in your work room and in cyberspace! Penny x

  42. Your new blog looks lovely. I'm sure you will really enjoy the new room of your own and it will help your work too! (I know from my own experience when my girls were small - clearing the table of my art stuff so we could eat there!)
    Enjoy your weekend. Helen x

  43. i can wait to see the process of moving in to your own space

  44. Look at all the friends you can fit into your new space! :)

  45. Just a quick hello at the mo' Emma, will be back to have a better lookie a little later.


  46. hello there :)

    I love to see other peoples work spaces, mine too is the dining room table at present! Your little one's nursery looks like it will be a perfect studio - and Im looking forward to seeing what it looks like once you're settled!

    Much love
    Julia x x x

  47. Happy New Blogspot Happy New Studio : )

  48. We have a Lyra pencil collection. I have been known to spend a precious non-kid moment or twenty just for sharpening pencils. Weirdo.

  49. Kantha is just running stitch used in various ways to produce wonderful patterns and textures. It is an Indian tradition. Google for images, but you probably wont see the texture.

  50. Hello,
    I just found you and I love your new gaff !! It brings a lump to your throat watching your littlies grow up, but think of your lovely new workspace :)

  51. Hellooooooo, happy new home to you and what a lovely visual feast you've laid on.

    See you soon xx

  52. Hello and welcome, I look forward to more visits.

  53. Love your blog, and I will be following it from the new site. It looks beautiful. I have really enjoyed your splash of colour - especially as I have been painting our house ivory.
    Enjoy your new workspace!

  54. Wishing you all the best in your new blogging house, it's looking great by the way :-)

  55. How exciting to be getting your own space to create your beautiful work!

  56. Of course I'm out there!
    What a great new start; can't wait to see what goes on!
    I was stuck, almost literally, in my cot until I was 4, when my mum put her foot down and ordered my dad to buy me a bed as I was too big for the cot!!
    Z xx

  57. Hello!
    looking forward to see more...
    thanks for your words at mine.

  58. How exciting! it's all been happening while I've been hibernating. Congratulations on your new 'home' and on your soon-to-be craft room :o)



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