Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Spring notebook

I'm not going to lie, I'm quite tired- there's been more 'flu-like illness round here and there's another child off school. I am at risk of becoming a blog whingebag/broken record on this topic so I will not dwell on it.

Instead I've taken a leaf out of Lynn's book today, for which read totally half-inched her post idea:

Weather: Spring-like and warm

Feeling: jaded but cheered by the sunshine.

Wishing for: a few weeks free of virus

Remembering: that warmer weather is here and that my rhubarb will make a very good crumble.

Focussing on: vintage sixty-year old trestle found at carboot - our new old garden table.

Wondering: when we'll have our first meal in the garden.

Grateful for: the astonishing ability of an easel and paints to cheer a little girl.

Triumph: rediscovering Percy Piglets*

*Which I snapped for Poppytalk Spring Colour Week. Today's colour is pink and there is goodness to see in the Flickr pool here.


  1. Does a croissant and coffee count as a meal in the garden?
    Hope the virus does a runner soon and you start feeling 100% oaky-dokey!
    Z xx

  2. How about you have lunch in the garden today? It is very springlike here - I nearly had to take my fleece off at the allotment (steady).

    Percy Piglets - possibly a cure for all ills? I'm making whoopie pies to take next door to Messy Church this afternoon. You have to love a vicar who encourages children to scatter glitter all over her pews ...

  3. Wishing all the germs away very quickly. It's suddenly warm and sunny here so I hope it's got to you by now, but I fear any munchies in the garden might get blown away!
    We had rhubarb-from-the-garden crumble last night and it was delicious.
    lots of love and get well soon Penny xxx

  4. I am just off to buy Percy Pig Easter eggs for No2 and his cousins. They probably think they're too babyish, but I'm insisting!

  5. Percy should make lunch in the garden a feast I guess. How could you ever be a whingebag, too lovely for that my woman. Sad that all this illness nonsense still plaguing you, but seems like lot of small pleasures there for you. They're the best really.

    Take care Emma.

    Lisa x

  6. A lovely dose of Sunshine seems just the thing for you today...whatever ails you will melt in the warmth of its rays!! I've never seen those piglets before, they must be a British treat!

  7. Hope you all are 100% really soon!
    Eating in the garden and rhubard time again, brilliant!
    Vivienne x

  8. Shoot -- being sick is no fun. I hope you all get better in a hurry. Those little piglets are super cute too -- I'm assuming they're candy?

  9. Hope you ate your lunch outside- it's GORGEOUS isn't it? Our geeky outside thermometer/humidity gadget says it is 22.3 deg. Wowsers!!! Get the windows open, eat loads of Percys and Bob's your Uncle, those pesky germs will fly away... Maybe. Speak soon, Ax

  10. You sound like I feel Emma! I grabbed the day and took off for once. A day out of the house has made me feel so much better. Hope the lurgies go xx

  11. Hello there!

    I hope you're soon feeling better - I've had a similar virusy type thing lingering this past fortnight which has rendered me very weary and unmotivated. Im feeling more like myself now, hence the crocheted bowl appearing (lol) and have been cheered enormously by your list of gratitudes!

    Sending love (and energy to you)
    from Julia x

  12. I am scared of the car boot. I have never been to one.

  13. Oh no! There can't possibly be more flu. But I'm sure sunshine and piglets can cure all ills :)

    K x

  14. Wishing you a lot less germs and a lot more sunshine and piglets!

  15. Sit in the sun and scoff Percy Pigs............ and there's an order! :O))))))

  16. I hope piglets and rhubarb crumble can cure all ills xxxx

  17. :-( hope you feel better very soon - make sure you get outside an eat this week whilst it is lovely. x

  18. Percy pig? hmm, yes I will give you that, But what about malteaser bunnies?

    Sarah x

  19. Get well soon, the sunshine predicted for the weekend should help to chase away those gremlins.

  20. Oh Emma I hope you soon manage to tell those lurgies where to go! Wishing you all well and healthy! Lucy xx

  21. Now I have never had Percy Piglets but they look as if they would cheer anything up.I hope they did the trick.

  22. Hope you are 100% again soon. Love the Percy Piglets.


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