Friday, 4 March 2011


What a week. We have mostly been
  • marvelling at Nanna and her superhero tendencies
  • re enacting scenes from Anne of Green Gables (croup + lots of boiling kettles)
  • narrowly avoiding hospital thanks to kettles (relief!)
  • eating Nanna's shortbread to cheer us up
  • wearing pyjama bottoms.

Youngest was on the mend today so I made some jewels and photographed them.

This little silver windmill spins around.

These are ancient Egyptian faience beads.

The new pieces will go live on Monday over at Poppytalk Handmade although you can see them now if you click on the jewellery category in the LH sidebar. Links from my virtual 'stall' click through to my etsy shop.

Is it the weekend yet?


  1. Hurrah for superhero grannies, what would we do without them?

    You have had a lot on your plate it sounds, hope you have some time to sit down with a glass of something good this evening and pat yourself on the back for wearing mummy, cook, jewellery designer/maker, business woman, nurse etc hats all at once -NOT easy! And the sound of croup scared the socks off me when mine had it. The jewellery looks lovely, hope it goes really well next week.x

  2. Definitely the weekend and I have a bottle chilling! Although I have to work tomorrow : (
    Love the little hare.

  3. Your post brings back memories, croup and whooping cough and deadlines to meet, Happy Days! My mother-in-law used to say to me "These are the best years of your life, when your kids are young" Now I am a granny myself I say the same thing.

  4. Great jewels Missus. Love the egyptian necklace. It certainly is the weekend and I am just waiting for half an hour more before I open the wine... Ax

  5. Yep, it's here! I love all the pieces but the Egyptian really caught my eye.

  6. Those are the best-styled jewellery pictures I have ever seen. The bubble gum machine is genius.

  7. Gorgeousness. And it is the weekend - we've already hit the sherry and are planning a takeaway later - the naughtiness!

    Good luck - it's going to be fab next week!!!

  8. Yes Emma, it's the weekend - now breathe!!!!!
    Love the little hare. :)
    Vivienne x

  9. Oh well done for creating such beauties with so much on your plate this week, everything always happens at once doesn't it.
    Time for wine!

  10. Nanny's shortbread! I've tasted that and it's genius!

    I love your end of the pier themed pieces - summer at the seaside here we come :-)

    Glad you made it through the week and little pebble is smiling again.


  11. Nice work Emma - what a week. Best wishes for a restful and happy weekend. x

  12. Beautiful pieces, I hope the Poppytalk gallery will be really successful for you. Sorry to hear about the croup, I know the steamy routine all to well, we bought a little machine in the end which really helped. The boy, now 11, has been croupy again this week but much less terrifying now he is bigger.

  13. Beautiful pieces, the hare in particular is gorgeous:) Hope you manage to have a relaxing weekend, sounds like you've had a tough week! Jenny xx

  14. We are all down with the lurgi too... must be worldwide! Get well soon petal, x

  15. Ah yes, the croup thing......... been there (although quite a few years ago now!). Lovely silverwork Emma, I particularly like the bubblegum... so fresh....

  16. totally utterly gorgeous jewels Emma xxx hope all illnesses are banished, leaving you to enjoy a lovely weekend xxx

  17. Emma, Wow you are really making a lot of new things. I love them all and especially the pin wheel. Such fun! Lovely jewelry! Glad you are all feeling better.

  18. Hopefully everyone will be feeling up to re-enacting the fun parts of Anne of Green Gables. I love the key and the bunting.

  19. Your new pieces are gorgeous. Hope that you have a lovely weekend.

  20. Oh I love the hare! Hope things improve for you all with the porrliness Emma x

  21. I adore the old key necklace. Beautiful. I hope you find some smooth waters soon.

  22. Lovely stuff! Hurray for SuperNanna and I hope that no more near-miss incidents, kettle or otherwise, come into your life... :)

  23. Just stumbled across your blog - what lovely pieces you make. Enjoy your weekend

    Leah x

  24. Sounds like the deuce of a week. Glad to hear Youngest is on the mend, and you've managed to create some lovely things!

  25. Well done you for surviving all that. Love the bubblegum-like necklace. Good luck with the sale. Had a sneaky look at the website -looks great. Claire

  26. My youngest two had croup just last week and I also had re-runs of 'Anne' in my head. It is quite a frightening condition in full-flight...the cough does stick around though.
    Your key locket is my favourite.

  27. Oh I hope the croup has now been banished. And I *love* the silver hare!

    K x

  28. Oooh and the pennants too! Big congratulations on your Poppytalk spot. K x

  29. What a week! At least your Anne of Green Gables reenactments didn't include the children getting themselves drunk on Blackcurrant wine! Hope they are both better. Lucy xx

  30. What a week! I hope you've managed to relax a bit this weekend and that the croup has been banished. x

  31. Glad to hear you are all on the mend. All your jewellery looks so lovely, love the key and the bubblegum. Good luck with poppytalk x

  32. Stunning, all of it! The bubble gum is AWESOME.

    Happy poppytalking!

  33. Eeeeek!!!!! That windmill is AMAZING! I LOVE it!!!! You're SOOO talented Ms. Pebble!!!

  34. I love the hare so much! Beautiful.

  35. Beautiful! I love the silver flag bunting!

    I am happy that I found your lovely blog! Come and visit me at my blog as well when you get a chance!


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