Sunday, 16 January 2011

Vintage seed label giveaway

I nipped to the garden centre the other day to buy some coal. I was in a hurry so didn't have time to browse but whilst at the checkout I glanced over my shoulder and saw that something had replaced the cut price Christmas decorations: racks and racks of seeds ready for Spring. It was lovely to see them but almost better than the prospect of Spring was the look of the seed racks. They're like enormous colourful mosaics. Sometimes I just stand and look at the seed section in garden centres. I suspect this makes me rather strange but I think they're beautiful.

A month or two ago I vaguely remembered some vintage French seed labels being used by Poshyarns to make a beautiful framed mosaic. I had a sudden attack of the wanties and bagged myself a couple of packets online, then rustled up a string of colourful little flags.

They're easy to make:

Spray mount two labels back to back to make each flag
Use little pegs to attach them to raffia
Hang up

These vintage seed labels are from a website called Burgundy Brocante and are featured in the Emporium pages of February's Country Living magazine. They date from the 1920s and the images are just lovely.

Jane from Burgundy Brocante has very kindly given me two extra sets of these beautiful little labels for two more projects. If you leave a comment on this post I'll pop you in the hat and draw the two winners in a week's time. I'll be including raffia and tiny pegs in the parcels in case you have an urge for bright little flags. Good luck!


  1. Glorious! They're making me smile, too!! Thanks... xo

  2. What a clever idea Emma, it looks gorgeous . Please entre me in your giveaway. I'll add a link too, hope thats ok .
    Jacquie x

  3. Hooray for Spring. I spent a bit of my afternoon scattering hollyhock seeds about my garden hoping that they'll do their business before the birds eat them... Love the bunting. ax

  4. What a lovely idea. I LOVE seed packets - I can flick through catalogues and stare at racks for hours. Juliex

  5. Oooo!... I rather liked those when I spied them in Country Living so yes please, I'd love to be included. I love the rows of seed packets too... my favourites are the Italian ones, Franchi.

  6. These are adorable, Emma. I've always loved seed packets, especially old ones! Please put me in the draw! Helen x

  7. Hi Emma,

    Oh I love these labels!!!! I will definetely check them out :-)!

    Have a wonderful new week!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  8. How lovely - quite in keeping with my new green lifestyle eh?!!


  9. I can never resist seed packets - and these are so pretty!


  10. OH, they look lovely!

    I've been browsing through the seed catalogues that have been dropping through my letterbox all week... planning and dreaming of spring...

    I think I'd quite like a string like this in my conservatory to replace my Christmas ones.

  11. Oh, how adorable. Your little banner is so pretty

  12. Oh they are so beautiful! I'd love to win such a prize. My littlest one adores flowers and these would look wonderful in her room.

  13. Ooh want want want! What a fabulous idea and such a lovely promise of all those summery flowers to come.


  14. Looks lovely Emma, so cheerful, please count me in! I love looking at all the seed packets too....surely we're not all a bit odd?!

  15. oohh what a cute idea, please count me in. I also love nosing at mainly flower seed packets and marvel and natures talent whilst also picking up photography ideas :-)

  16. They are lovely. Please enter me in.

  17. these are beautiful,they evoke lovely memories but also they mnake me look forward to the spring and summer , thank you

  18. What a lovely idea! Now I have the wanties too! Please put my name in the hat.xx

  19. what a very clever and simple idea! I would love to be put in the hat, so to speak!

  20. Those hollyhocks are gorgeous!

  21. Ooh how lovely, please enter me - I've not got around to reading my Feb issue of CL yet - thanks for the pointer! Incidentally, I loved the look of your catalogue card on the previous post, and I followed the link, but I can't seem to make it work - am I being a bit dense??

  22. These are gorgeous!
    Count me in please!

  23. What lovely things. Just lovely, but don't enter me as I did well just before Christmas, so spread the love around. :O)))))))

  24. They are so pretty, please count me in I would love to win them!
    Vivienne x

  25. Gorgeous - sometime I will have a lovely shed and these would be a fab finishing touch!!

  26. I have to say yes please count me in Emma as I've been after these for an age. When I saw them in C.Living I told M - while pointing - I'd like these please for Mother's Day. I'm good at subtle hints.

    Love what you've done with yours.

  27. Hi Emma ooh, yes please I would love to enter these are beautiful! Sarah x

  28. A beautiful bit of sunshine on a grey day.

  29. Oh yes, please! I'd love to win them. They would look lovely in my office. I think they are ever so joyful.

  30. That garland is so pretty. You've made your own Splash of Colour. And looking at seed packets? That doesn't make you strange at all. I'm having a giveaway too. Pop on over!

  31. So pretty!!! They remind me of favorite books of my childhood - although I'm not quite THAT vintage :)

  32. Me! Me! Choose me, Ms Silverpebble...I'll do my homework and clean the blackboard!
    The are wonderful and I love what you have done with them. I already have the little pegs and some string...

  33. They're lovely - please put my name in the hat! So pretty.

  34. These are gorgeous! What a great idea! x

  35. I loved them in Country Living and I love them here! Please put me in the hat too!

  36. oooh lovely - like a floating garden xxx

  37. Yes please, fingers crossed x

  38. Oh you are inspired Emma. A wonderful idea! I saw them in Country Living, must check out the BB website. Count me in please!


  39. they are quite gorgeoous - I have bagged my self two packetsstraight away, can't wait to see if I am lucky in your draw!

    C x

  40. Hi
    Please count me in too! I have been using these seed packet labels in my vintage collages and other crafty things I make for a little while now, but hadn't thought of this idea. I think I shall be trying it soon.

  41. How lovely and pretty :0)
    Please pop me into your draw, I'd love some of these.
    If you pop over to my blog, you can enter my draw if you want a book :0)
    kindest regards,

  42. Very cute!!! What a way to welcome spring!

  43. What an absolutely gorgeous idea, so colourful and please pop me into the hat xx

  44. so bright and cheerful on this cold snowy day.

  45. Oh they're lovely :-) - where did you get the tiny pegs? I have some silver ones for hanging Christmas cards up but have never seen non-Christmassy ones!

  46. Ooooh Miss, me, me please Miss, choose me... oddly i am having to stongly resist the urge to stretch my left hand into the air as high as it'll go and wiggle in my seat whilst I'm writing this. Amazing that all it has taken to transport me back to school are some brightly coloured, beautiful seed packets!
    Meet you behind the bike sheds later, x

  47. Such a simple idea to add some much needed cheer to these grey January days. Inspired!

    I would love to be entered, thank you!

  48. oh i love them, please count me in!

  49. Such a clever idea - I would love to have them decorate my home.

  50. Those seed packets are so beautiful and that's a very clever idea to have them on display :-)

  51. Yes, yes, very pretty. You are too energetic.

  52. They're lovely.. I should be *doing* something, really, but sitting on the sofa, drinking coffee and looking at your inspired floating colours will have to do, for now. (I *will* dig out my box of half-used seed packets from last year, though. Tomorrow.)

  53. Oh yes, please! They really are fantastic and I've never actually seen them in France...

  54. Would you please put my name into the hat too - the seed packets are lovely - I saw seeds in the supermarket last week and it made me all smiley too.

  55. Sowing seeds is my fav thing!!
    Would love these to remind me spring is on its way!!

  56. What beautiful seed packets! I'm hungry for colour in this grey January and would love to make seed packet bunting.

  57. I just realised it was a silly of me!!!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  58. Oh how lovely, count me in please.

  59. Oooh..just lovely! I'd love to win those!

  60. What a simply gorgeous idea! They look amazing! Please count me in :)

    || pip ||

  61. Hi Emma. I'd love to join in. What a fabulous idea, and I love the website link. They look so pretty hanging up. x

  62. Would love to win these...Thanks for the chnace
    sue.pickwell at


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