Friday, 14 January 2011

Glass half-full

I was thrilled to have been tagged by Colette, Robin and Jenna for seven things about myself. Thankyou! I decided it would be a good chance to record seven things I am enjoying at the moment.

I used the catalogue card-maker here.

*This is a definite sign that Spring is approaching and you can hear the song here. I suddenly remembered this drawing from 1984 (I was twelve):

..and on the next page of the same sketchbook I found these:

If you'd like to take up the baton and have fun with your own catalogue card then I really recommend it.
Happy Friday.


  1. I can tell you always had a dose of artistic talent! We don't have hedgehogs in Australia...growing up in NZ we had them in our back yard regularly...and loved them, so cute!

  2. Those are lovely sketches and they reminded me of a book called "The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady" by Edith Holden.

  3. All such happy-making things!

    I only just discovered the catalogue card maker earlier this week via Sarah. Took me right back to my library cataloguing and filing days!

    K x

  4. You could readily put your hands on drawings that you did when you were twelve - now that's impressive! So too are the drawings of course. I like your catalogue card - a lot!

    I'm a glass half full kind'a gal too!

  5. Great list. I love that the Great Tit has obviously been making you happy for quite a while. Lovely sketches and perhaps the cutest hedgehogs.

  6. I love your childhood sketches. You should get them framed.

  7. I'm loving the card maker! There was a great tit singing like a demented thing in my garden this morning - it must be because it's suddenly got so much milder.

  8. I'm sorry, but I'm having trouble getting past the name of that bird. Snicker, snicker. And you're having signs of spring ALREADY? WHATEVER.

    Those drawings are stunning, lady. At age 12 I was busy drawing extremely bad before-and-after pictures of ladies based on makeovers I had seen in fashion mags. In the "after" pictures they always had dramatically larger breasts for some reason. Speaking as we were of great tits...

    (I can't believe I said that. Well, I kind of can. Feel free to banish me forever.)

  9. Love your nature drawings! :)
    Thanks for the card-maker link.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Vivienne x

  10. The sketches are lovely! Need to try the card maker link! :) x

  11. What a lovely list of happy, I love vintage lockets too and wish someone would buy me one, maybe I should drop bigger hints. Great drawings, hooray for keeping such treasures!
    Yes it is sticky tape in my pictures, from if there's no store near you I could get some next time I'm in and send it to you if you like, I think it was £1 for two rolls. It's a wonder I didn't buy them all!

  12. Love the hedgehogs best! I will definitely tryout the card catalog link. Thank you and I enjoyed your 7 things! xoRobin❤

  13. Love those drawings :-) I'll have to buy my some daffodils, they would surely make me happy :-)

  14. What great drawings Emma, I love those little hedgehogs :o)

    Our walks to school last week had a wonderful soundtrack of song thrush and great tit. There was a real feel of spring in the air.

    I think I'm a glass half full kind of girl with a glass half empty husband!


  15. Gosh, I'd forgotten about the card maker -- how fun. A very lovely list Ms. Pebble!

  16. What a lovely list Emma! And I always love to see your childhood drawings - you really were very good! Lucy x

  17. Your childhood drawings are delightful Emma. I adore the little hedgehogs and the mole!

    I'm loving your list - I've definitely noticed more birdsong in the past week or so.


  18. Your posts always top up my glass.


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