Friday, 10 June 2011


Where did I go? Into jewellery-making land, mostly.

The last few weeks have been a very busy blur. I finished off a collection for Primavera and have been working on my silver brooch for the Flowerpress Brooch swap (pictured below). I can't reveal the recipient's identity as yet as it's a secret swap, but pop over to the Flowerpress blog and the swap flickr pool to see more of the beautiful and covetable brooches soon to be sent to all parts of the world.

There has been another secret project round here, of the 'being in print' variety, but I can't let on until the autumn about that one. I'm beyond excited about it.

In other but even more important news, the littlest daughter turned three yesterday. She is just a month younger than this blog. It's hard to believe I began a blog whilst 36 weeks pregnant. What was I thinking?

The last three years has seen this tiny bundle:

...turn into this, tallerbutstillsmallish, funny, giggly little girl who is prone to making up songs and has a liking for pigs.

Finally, if you're in Norfolk tomorrow and fancy a treat pop along to the Pick and Mix Makers' Market in Holt. It's organised by Lisa at Bobo Bun and if the previous three are anything to go by, will be the place to buy both handmade and vintage things this weekend. You can also see Penny and Celia there. It's sure to be serious fun.

I'll be back next week after a small trip to stay in a teeny thatched wendyhouse with the Mr, to celebrate our tenth wedding anniversary (a month early).


  1. Your jewelry is looking beautiful as always Ms. Pebble! Now...what is a wendyhouse?

  2. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, Emma!
    Penny x

  3. Happy Anniversary to you both, and belated birthday wishes to littlest daughter, Love the brooch :)
    Sue Xxx

  4. A month early is still fun!

  5. ahppy birthday little pebble, and happy anniversary big pebbles!
    hope the fair is a great success, and enjoy your trip away x

  6. Happy Birthday smallest pebble! And you have been doing very lovely things, clearly.

  7. Beautiful jewelery, as always!
    Happy anniversary and happy birthday to the little one, those little feet are sooo cute. :)
    Vivienne x

  8. Love the little bird brooch. Have a happy anniversary holiday

  9. Happy Birthday to the littlest Miss P :-)

    And your secret hideawy anniversary treat sounds very nice indeed ;-)

    See you tomorrow (I heard a rumour that there will be cake too!)


  10. Happy third birthday to your little one - I didn't realise when you said soon that it was actually this brain and where it has gone........anyones guess!

    I can't believe our girls will be starting big school next year.

    Have all the fun of the fair tomorrow,

    Nina xxx

  11. Dear Emma, I love the pin! I got my kit to make silver things with, now to watch the video that came with it and try to do it! Your daughter is adorable and reminds me of my own 3 year old granddaughter.
    Happy Anniversary!!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  12. Oooh, happy anniversary! It sounds like you have a wonderful getaway planned. Happy Birthday to your little one too. I love the pin!

  13. Happy Birthday little one and Happy Anniversary to you and Mr Pebble :-) Enjoy your thatched wendyhouse.

  14. I think it must be that busy time of year.... Good luck with it all and enjoy your wendy house (?) time!

  15. I just love it Emma! The feather details are wonderfully graphic. Your partner is going to be so delighted :-)
    Happy Birthday to Miss three, such a lovely age!

  16. Very upset to have missed the chance of entering your lovely giveaway. Wishing you all happy festivities and a wonderful trip in your wendyhouse!!

  17. Happy birthday lovely little P... happy anniversary Mr & Mrs P (have a lovely week away)... and I want to know about this publication!!!!

  18. I'm so glad Sue pointed out the pun..I am slow today! Happy birthday to littlest P and happy Anniversary to you and Mr P and happy birthday Silverpebble blog.
    And Happy Bird day to whoever gets that little cutie.
    Good luck with the market.

  19. Happy belated birthday wishes and happy anniversary wishes!

  20. Happy belated birthday to your smallest pebble - how sweet she looks, both then and now. I hope your anniversary trip is as delightful as a teeny thatched wendy house sounds! Happy Anniversary to you both.
    Helen x

  21. Happy happy birthday tallerbutstillsmallish Pebble from your huge fans the Lockets xxxxx Can't wait to play at the beach again with you xxxx

  22. Happy birthday to your little one and hope you have a lovely trip! :) x

  23. Amazing how time flies when you're blogging! I am so excited to hear about your new project - sounds wonderful! Have a great getaway!

  24. I have had 2 fab holidays in Norfolk - wish I lived nearer - would love to visit the Makers market!

  25. I love the brooch, so beautifully intricate. And I love three. Three is the bees knees. So creative. So strong. Seems blogs and wee girls are the same!

  26. Thank you so very very very much for the absolutely gorgeous truly divine brooches! I adore them!


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