Saturday, 14 May 2011

Three years ago yesterday...

I was blogging on Wordpress (and I thought that was tricky!).

My third blog anniversary post disappeared! As you probably know, Blogger broke on Thursday night around 8pm UK time and many of Thursday's posts were deleted, lock, stock and comments.

The post was about how lovely and slightly bonkers blogging can be. The best bit by far is the virtual (and real) friends I have met along the way - the encouraging blog comments have spurred me on to make new kinds of shiny things and helped to lift my confidence in my jewellery making.

Big, massive, shiny thanks for visiting and commenting around here - seriously, it helps enormously.

If you had already peeped at my post then apologies for the broken record.

I will still be giving away the little silver, gemstone and vintage bead ring I made for the occasion. I can tailor it to your size, colour and charm choice.

I'll also be giving away this beautiful Angie Lewin sketchbook to be used for ideas and doodling.

I had already received 40 (!) very lovely comments. I still have them in my inbox and will count those as entries for my giveaway.

If you didn't get a chance to enter but would like to then we can start again from here. Everyone is welcome to enter - lurkers and new followers included.

Here's hoping that Blogger doesn't break again!


  1. Me, me , me! I want to enter now please? Happy to see you posted again. What bad timing!

  2. My entire InterWorld became crankily slow yesterday, and has remained so...I can only see the top bit of each of your photos, for example, so I will come back later and try again. Because your photos deserve full perusal!

  3. Oh I didn't realise Blogger had broke ... I wondered why posts were popping up again in my side bar.

  4. I know it's been a nightmare for people but I'm glad you are back again. Happy Bloggy Birthday for yesterday, here's to the next three years! Penny and Higgins xxx

  5. just discovered your blog. What lovely jewellery let it be me!!!!

  6. I love that ring just as it is. In the unlikely event of my winning, you wouldn't have to change a thing!

  7. I have just discovered your blog. Such lovely work. Count me in thanks!

  8. I love that ring as is as well thank you! Those little chooks are so cute too.

  9. just found your lovely blog - and gorgeous jewellery. Yes PLEASE!!

  10. Just found your blog and your lovely jewellery. I am marking my place to come back and browse properly, but in the meantime, yes PLEASE....

  11. congratulations on 3 years Emma (bet you wish you'd stayed with wordpress!). You're right about our lovely blogging community and the uplifting kindness and support of those near and far - it's very special and I hope you're going to stay a part of it for a long tome to come, J x

  12. Well, I missed the last post, but I would love to join in if I may. Your work is beautiful, and no wonder you have been showcased - well done. And keep on blogging - I do enjoy reading and looking at your blog.

    Pomona x

  13. Yes I'd love to be included too. Such an appealing and pretty ring. Gilly

  14. Hello, thanks for your lovely comment on my blog, I completely missed the blog breaking down thing but it seems that quite a lot of people were affected by it. Yes please I would love to be entered for a chance to win the ring, I love it!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Sarah x

  15. Congratulations on three years! I do love those little chickens, and would love to have the chance to enter your giveaway. Blogger messed up some plans for my London weekend, but like you, I think I have the key details I need on email.

  16. Hi Emma, I adore your ring and your jewelry altogether -- I do so want to try to silver clay experience. I need to take a class! Yes, my blog was in limbo on the big breakdown and I lost a few comments but not all. Silly internet! :-) Teresa in Oregon USA

  17. Oh my goodness! Have been lurking for some time, and swooning over your jewelry.

    Blogger hasn't Blooped that badly in a long time...and reminded me why i feel comfy with typepad. Just very glad all of you are back.

  18. It was an absolute pain in the backside wasn't it? I left several comments onblogs and they disappeared.... and then I found out that only SOME of them had.... anyway, glad it is all back to normal and I am saying "yes please" to being entered for the chance to win one of your beautiful creations....

  19. Oh my goodness: this is the most beautiful giveaway in the history of blogland. The bracelet is a dream and Angie Lewin's sketchbook would further fuel my crafty horticultural inspiration.

    Thank you for giving us all this chance to win.


  20. Whoops; I meant ring not bracelet!!!

    Stephanie (again)

  21. Well done for posting again Emma and for three years of blogging. As I said on Thursday, I've enjoyed sharing your journey in blogland and just the once irl too :-) I've especially enjoyed your beautiful little ones and your gorgeous jewellery. Keep having fun! xxx

  22. Oh my goodness: this has got to be the most inspiring giveaway in blogland (in my humble opinion). Your ring is magical and the sketchbook would further fuel my crafty horticultural inspiration.

    Happy third birthday.

    ps I have already posted a comment but am not sure it has been taken into account!


  23. Yes, what a nuisance about Blogger - it was the first chance I had to catch up with my blog reading last night, and so frustrating not to be able to lease comments. Still, at least I managed to read your post, and the comment I WOULD have left was along the lines of "What a generous giveaway, and you're right about Bloggers - they do become your friends!" All's well that ends well

  24. I love that pic of you in the mirror. My English mum would say "oh hello curly bonce!"

    Happy blogiversary! I wish I could send you some feijoa jam but I suspect glass jars wouldn't survive the journey.

  25. I love seeing what you have been making. Congratulations on 3 years of blogging.

  26. Oh no!!! Another blogger sufferer thru the Horror of last Thursday!!!
    Happy 3rd blogaversary!

  27. I hate it when posts disappear - sounds like Thursday was a bit of a pain for lots of people. Love your blog, here's to lots more years. Juliex

  28. Would love a ring like that, please count me in

  29. I would love to be entered into the drawing! I love that ring just as it is!
    And I can't believe Blogger was down for so long, geez.

  30. Gosh i LOVE those little chickens! Darn cutest chickies i've ever seen!

  31. Congratulations on three years of blogging! I just found your blog today, and I'm so happy I did... it's beautiful. Your giveaway ring is so lovely~ I think my heart skipped a beat when I saw it!

  32. That is such a beautiful ring, absolutely lovely! Hope your posts stay put from now on.

  33. Hello there,
    I would love to be entered for your give away! I've been following your blog and admiring your work for some tIme now.....and wondering whether I am brave enough to start a blog myself! Thankyou for the inspiration,

  34. oh please can i enter too, and i love your shell necklace soooo pretty! (I cant believe you still had chocolate left from easter thats so good! he he) fliss xxx

  35. Just read your post, I was very lucky to miss that blog lurgy its affected so many people!
    What a lovely ring, fingers crossed I get picked!

  36. Hurrah and happy birthday to your blog!

    I hope it isn't too late to enter. I think your jewellery is the bee's knees.

  37. I would love to enter as I think your jewellery is gorgeous. Blogger doesn't always let me comment lately though. Karen X

  38. Thank goodness I've stuck my head out from under the rock (where I've been living). I would have been positively heartbroken at missing a chance at your birthdaying gorgeousness. (AND HOW SPIFFY ARE THOSE HENS!?!)...

  39. As it happens, I enjoyed BOTH anniversary posts. Perhaps we could pretend that one of them was mine, as I managed to completely overlook my own three-year blogiversary nearly two weeks ago.

    And those chickens are the bee's knees!!!

  40. Happy Third Anniversary! Mine is some way off yet! I'd love to have the chance to win such a beautiful ring (I have a serious silver jewellery habit...) so please enter me for your generous give away. :o)

  41. Oh, honey, how strangely ironic that your 'isn't blogging funny'? post coincided with blogger meltdown... Anyhoo, happy anniversary! 3 is a very impressive amount of years.

  42. Hello! I'm in today from "Today's Creative Blog." Love your style! Beautiful work! I'm headed off to follow!

  43. oh my, i love your blog. i just stumbled upon it today, actually, and have enjoyed your past posts. especially the fritillary teacup! the snakeshead fritillary has been one of my favorite flowers since i happened upon one while visiting Iona about 10 years ago. until that moment, i didn't know checkered flowers existed. It blew my mind, i can tell you. I have only seen them once here in the Pacific NW. anyway, love your blog and your jewelry! happy blogiversary.

  44. I would love to enter - what a great blog you have - off to add myself to your followers list! I agree whoelheartedly with your sentiments on blog friends. xx

  45. Hi been working in Wales for the last week, so glad I can enter your give away, as I love your work and have a little pair of earings to prove it!

  46. I've just discovered your lovely blog a few weeks ago and am enjoying reading and admiring your jewelry. You are truly talented. Congratulations on your three years of blogging, here's to many more!PS , thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  47. I would love to win this beautiful ring! Just lovely!

  48. What a lovely blog. I have just added you to my favourites. Your jewellery is beautiful x

  49. Congratulations on your anniversary. I heard about the disappearing blog posts so I left mine alone and it seems to have survived unscathed. I adore that sketchbook, and the little hens are beautiful. So you.

  50. Hi Emma

    Love your hens they're fabulous, Im really glad I could see them as for some reason I can't pick up half of the pics on other peoples blogs now. Bet you've enjoyed your three year journey and all that's come from it.

    See you soon.

    X Lisa X

  51. Many happy bloggy returns :) You make such pretty things! I've only been blogging for a little while now and can't even imagine what mine will be like three years down the line but I hope it's half as good as yours x

  52. What an utterly gorgeous prize. Really hoping that my recent luck holds and you pick me :) Congrats on three years of blogging. Laura xx

  53. Very many happy returns on your blogaversary, I love visiting this space.

  54. Happy blogiversary...I've been lurking, and this seems as good a time as any to delurk. I do love those chickens.

  55. Must. Leave. Comments.

    Must. Not. Just. Read.

  56. Blogging can be great for making new like minded friends and I agree with you it's good for one's confidence too. Your ring is beautifully craftedI would be very pleased to be entered into your give-away xox

  57. I love the little chickens scratching around in the seedlings Emma! They'd be lovely in windowsill herbs!

  58. Blogging is brilliant isn't it?! I love the wonderful inspiration I see everday on the blogs I read, the amazing women living creative lives. Yours is always a delight with your skillfully designed and executed pieces. xx

  59. Huge congratulations, you clever multitasking little blogger! I'm sure I shall be lost in the masses, but I'd love to throw my name in with the rest :-)

  60. Stumbled across you after twitter comment (FYI LOL) so glad I did your photography is inspirational.

  61. I didn't know about all the problems with Blogger last Thursday - i've been ducking under the radar somewhat lately!

    This is such a generous birthday giveaway Emma, which is you all over:-) I was lucky enough to be runner up to one of your previous giveaways and feel a bit greedy entering another ...!!! But if you insist .... hehe.

    Loved the garden post! I plan to put a garden update on my blog soon.


  62. Oh I love this, pease put my name in the hat.

  63. First blogger and then the internet - for us - it has been one very strange week.

    Happy, happy, happy third year......OMG - three years. And you know how much I love your work - how intune you are with nature and your creations - so here's my vote. That ring is soooooo cute.

    Happy weekend my dear,

    Nina x

  64. Congratulations on your bloggiversary Emma, it's always a joy to drop in here and see your beautiful creations!
    What a gorgeous ring!!!
    Vivienne x

  65. Happy blogiversary! I'd love to win, the ring is gorgeous and the sketchbook is a great extra to the giveaway! Please count me in! :) x

  66. Happy three year anniversary! The beautiful ring would match my beautiful necklace! Hope this comment reaches the last one vanished!
    Best wishes,

  67. Well, I totally missed THAT! But congrats on the bloggiversary. It's my 2nd today.
    I also just had to comment on those wonderful, wonderful chickens. I am in lurve. They are too cute and the way you've displayed them...they're the only sort of pesky animal I'd like to find in my seedlings!
    Z xx

  68. So beautiful. I am amazed to go through your blog and find some unique designs.
    Murano Glass

  69. I absolutely love your shell collections!


I so love reading your comments and will try very hard to answer them but sometimes life gets in the way and I don't manage every time. Thankyou for dropping in here and taking the time to say something - it means a great deal.