Thursday, 6 January 2011

Off colour

We have yet another virus in the house. It's been here since Monday. We've cancelled playdates and eldest hasn't gone back to school yet. I have to admit, I'm tired of viruses.

My colourful beading project is on hold so to perk myself up whilst the little ones were asleep just now I trawled through my photo archive to find some cheerful images. Bottom left is youngest on her second birthday last summer.

If in doubt, make a mosaic.

Thankyou so much for the injection of colour this week - it's been much needed and appreciated. The SOC colour project will be continuing until Monday 10th so pop your blog on the linky list in the last post if you're posting along with us.

There are now 53 members of the SOC Flickr pool. It's really lovely over there - do go and take a look.


  1. Oh viruses have had their fun in our home too, wishing speedy recovery and back to some normality soon. I agree about a mosaic, fun time to reflect and be happy creating at the same time xox Penelope

  2. I have been trying all week to make a mosaic, how do you do it ? Looks great !

  3. Oh Dear! I'm sorry you're having so much trouble with viruses in SilverPebbleLand. I hope everyone gets better soon!

  4. Oh dear hope everyone is back to full health soon!
    Lovely photos, makes me long for summer days!!
    Vivienne x

  5. I'm so sorry to hear that you have another virus visiting :o(

    But your mosaic is lovely! Especially the gorgeous photo of the youngest Miss P!

    Wishing everyone a super speedy recovery.

    Lucy xx

  6. Hope you're soon better - and normal life resumes soon.

    I love your mosaic, can't decide which picture is my favourite - the pedalo in the middle I think :-)

    Hope to see you soon

  7. Hello Emma, we are virus-ridden here too :-( Small people and illness don't go well together do they... Hope you are all soon better. x

  8. virus smirus! been ill for the last 10 days but no little little ones so easier to cope in general. but am sick of feeling do do! hope your household is better soon and gotta say the mosaic is a cheery little number...x

  9. Hi Emma,

    I hope the virusses will be out of your house soon! We are having problems with them as well. My middle daughters gets one virus after the other. I put her on vitamine pills. Hope that helps! I hope you will be able to work again soon!

    Lieve groet & take care,


  10. Oh rats - but at least you can rest assured it wasn't your floor sweeping ;-)

    Will give you a ring. I've been following you around blogland today!

  11. Hey Mrs SP - I'm so with you.

    Love the mosaic and it's so good to look back it almost makes you want to look forward.

    Take care and get well soon wishes to you all - Happy New Year,

    Nina xxxx

  12. Oh Emma, I'm so sorry that those viruses are lurking.
    Lovely pics! Hope everyone is better soon x

  13. Poor you. I too am fed up with viruses. We started with chickenpox and then over the Christmas hols our boiler got hypothermia, the washing machine has a very chesty cough, the dishwasher has severe water retention and worst of all the computer has a virus. We have lost documents, photos and all (or at least some) of my favourite links and sites. BigBean is still working on retrieving stuff but I have had enough of broken things. And not being able to post a little something on my blog.
    Get well soon Pebbles. Maybe we'll wait a while before catching up with you... Ax

  14. Awwwwwwwwwwww.... hope you all feel better soon. I love the close up of the forget me not. Lovely...............

  15. Poor y'all! get better soonest!xx

  16. Horrid horrid viruses they're all over the place at the moment hope all picks up soon.

    Jo x

  17. I am sick to the back teeth of viruses and all their friends! I do hope you all make a speedy recovery.

    Love your mosaic and, yes, the necklace was just perfect! My Mum loved it - I knew she would. And thank you for the lovely little surprise too : )

  18. Thanks to Kristin at "My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia" my first ever link party for Cottage Flora Thursday's is up & running! Inviting you to come over & link a cottage garden post you may have & please advertise "Cottage Flora Thursday's" on your post that you link!! & don't forget to become a follower of my blog !!!

  19. Oh yuck - poor little Pebbles and poor you :o(

    I hope the yucky viruses disappear very very quickly.

    Happy New Year to you all and here's to a virus-free and colourful rest of 2011.


  20. Hope you're all feeling better soon!
    I really need to get some more of my pics on your flickr and put up my January splash of colour post! :) x

  21. Get well soon little Pebbles!

  22. oh dear, hope all the nasty germs leave soon....... I had 2 1/2 hours of the children being back at school before I got a phone call to collect one of them... the pesky germs are clearly heading north.....

  23. There's so much of it about. Hope you all feel much better soon. Your mosaic is beautiful as are your girls :-)

  24. Oh! I am so sorry - I hate to think of you all feeling so poorly. MissM prescribes Dumbo in these situations. Take care.

  25. Hi! Stumbled upon your blog through Madelief. Just love your mosaic photos so much. Awesome!

  26. Happy New Year Emma-I hope everything is soon back to bright and bouncy normal with you. x

  27. Oh no! I hope everyone is feeling better very soon.

    K x

  28. Hope you are all feeling brighter soon.

  29. Wonderful mosaic - I have resorted to trawling the archives as well this month!

    Hope you all feel better very soon Emma.


  30. hello my lovely

    i am not sure you will recognise me as millie meadowsweet, but you may just possibly remember me from my previous incarnation as skipping in the meadow. yes, i'm back! this time for for keeps (i hope) and its so lovely to see your sweet blog and beautiful creations this new year.

    wishing you a very happy, sparkly, healthy 2011
    lots of love and hugs xxx

  31. Hope your house is healthy again really soon. Love the photos of colourfulness - just the tonic for cold, grey Saturdays.

  32. I hope that you and your family are soon all feeling better.

  33. Happy New Year Emma,
    so sorry about the bugs, they are certainly flying around, we had our dose the week before Christmas. Hope you are all on the mend now. As for cheerful mosaics ~ hooray!

    Sarah x

  34. Hope you're feeling better! Just to let you know that I've given you a blog award, go to buttons, ribbons and other things to see! :) x

  35. Hope you're feeling better and that the virus has departed. Thanks for the splash of colour - it's been so grey and dismal of late, although today the sun is actually shining - hope it lasts!

  36. Get well soon. Its a shame that the splash of colour in your house could be red noses.
    Well done with the cheery mosaic..its full of lovely memories.
    (I just saw the cup you bought me at Peacocks on a TV programme from 2009! They zoomed in on it . How exciting.)

  37. I hope everyone is feeling better.

    Your blog is so, so lovely! x


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