Monday, 6 December 2010

Splash of Colour December: Beaded wreath

It's December already. How on earth did that happen? Splash of Colour week is back - a little late I'll admit, but  hopefully it'll be as enjoyable as last month.

For anyone who might be new to my blog I started a winter project last month to seek out, photograph and blog colour around the first week of every month until March. The aim is to banish winter greys (or indeed any blues that might be lurking) by looking at colour. It's a kind of experiment and I really think it began to work last month. Everyone who joined in enjoyed it and several said it boosted mood too! There should be no shortage of colourful subjects this month: baubles, berries, whatever looks festive and cheery.

The Splash of Colour Flickr group is here if you'd like to have a peep. I checked in just now and I can see there's some gorgeous images on there already today.

There's a good deal of red, green and white around at this time of year. I've been using these colours to make these little beaded wreaths for several years and today I was feeling slightly Marie-Antoinette-ish so I've used cranberry and ivory freshwater pearls for the berries.

I'll be posting a little tutorial in a day or two if you'd like to know how I make them.

In the meantime I'm giving one of these wreath decorations away so if you'd like the chance to win one just pop a comment here. I'll draw the winner in a week.

Add your blog here if you're joining in, then link back here and we'll have a blog hop. Enjoy the colour....


  1. I'll get to this, I promise. I have stuff made from tissue paper.

  2. I love to win this little winter wreath please. Fiona.

  3. Love the clever little bejewelled wreath :-)

    I'll try to do a colourful post tomorrow for day 7 of my Advent blog.


  4. Delightful and delicate, and the colours are so much more subtle than the usual ones!

  5. What a gorgeous, gorgeous wreath, I love the colours you have chosen! :)
    I hope to get my Splash of Colour post on later today!!
    Vivienne x

  6. Love that wreath - I think I'm suffering from "bead obsession" at the moment! Could be worse I suppose! I'd love one.

  7. Ooh, I need to pay attention to that tutorial - love the wreath so much!

  8. So in love with the wreath! But even with a tutorial, I'm sure I'd be hopeless at making one. So must keep fingers crossed!

    K x

  9. Love the wreath, it's so pretty! :) x

  10. Oh that is so beautiful and I just love the slightly understated colours such a change from the garish reds and greens about just now. Love it, Love it!


  11. That's such a beautiful, richly coloured wreath. I'm looking forward to the tutorial very much :)

  12. I love your wreath it's very pretty.
    I'll be back in a day or two with some Splash of Colour photos. Juliex

  13. And even more gorgeolous in real life - lovely to see you today, a great treat! Hope all goes well this weekend ...

  14. Your wreath is lovely, such pretty beads.

  15. What a clever idea making a pretty jeweled wreath xox I'm really loving all your beautiful nature inspired silver too x

  16. Love the wreath. Beautiful colours. A tutorial alone was great but a chance to win a wreath is even better. I'll be posting my splash of colour in a day or so. Thanks, Emma.

  17. While reading your post I was thinking how beautiful it was - then to find out it's part of a giveaway - I was over joyed!!! It's breathtaking :)

  18. I'll try to do a colourful post tomorrow. The little jewelled wreath is gorgeous but don't include me in your giveaway... because I've already got one! Lovely to see you today.

  19. I love your beautiful little jewelled wreath and I'd love to win it! The close up photos of the beads are gorgeous. I've just posted my December splash of colour.
    Helen x

  20. That is completely December isn't it? The colors are beautiful. I'm much more a subtle Christmas colors type of girl and that is just my taste.

  21. hELLO Emma

    Just found out about this fab idea
    via L is for LOVE's blog. What a great's my birthday today...and a bit too late to post something now...but would love to join in next week.

    I also am doing a blog party link in December...TUESDAY THROUGH...THE WINTER WINDOW
    perhaps you may want to join in and play along...everyone welcome.

    *Nice to meet you*
    I will have a look around your lovely blog now.

    I will also post your button to my side bar to spread the word.

    Happy December Days...

  22. What lovely festive gems - beautifully understated - love it!

  23. Lovely wreath, I'd love the chance to win it, can just picture it hanging at my window!

    Can't enter your splash of colour event I'm afraid, I'm enjoying too much taking snowy photos at the moment(!) plus I'm currently unable to upload photos as my reader thingmyjig is broken. Sounds like fun though...

  24. Love the colours you have chosen. I don't really like red and green unless it's holly!

  25. I am a fenland girl now living in the peak district. I see so many of my childhood recollections in your beautiful jewellry. lve the garland.

  26. 'ello. I've been playing around with a wee mistletoe (my most favourite of all favourites) idea for a while but with no real success. Now you have spurred me on to Get It Sorted. Thanks!

    Love the little wreath. You just need a robin sitting on it... Just knock one up when you have a spare mo would you? Ax

  27. I love the wreath, please include me in the draw.

  28. Emma, that is a truly beautiful wreath. Lovely as it is, don't include me in the draw, as I have just won one elsewhere......... (not a wreath, but some gorgeous vintage decorations).

  29. How have I managed not to find you until now? I'm going to be a regular from today!

  30. It looks edible... green and purple grapes and those posh jelly beans in white!
    I have joined the splash of colour too....

  31. Such a beautiful idea. I love it!

  32. Love your little wreaths. Hope it's not too cheeky entering the giveaway as I've just discovered your blog. Thankyou for visiting Like it or Lump it, it's lovely to have new visitors and to meet new people.

  33. What a beautiful wreath. Those green beads make me think of lime jelly! Mmmmmmmm now I'm hungry! LOL.


  34. Love your wreath Emma, so pretty and the perfect colours for this frosty day! Talking of colours, I'm hard-pressed to find any colour at the mo' with all this frost, but I promise a colourful post later this week!!


  35. The wreath is beautiful and I love the colours - makes me think of mistletoe and mulled wine. (now, that's what you CALL wishful thinking)x

  36. Oh so beautiful! Love the gorgeous colors!

  37. Oh to be twenty summat again, haha! The shop photo is of a friend that does some of the more arty farty stock photo's. I was getting asked about the photography so credit where it is due!
    Lovely jubbbly wreath! x

  38. Hello, People of Blogland...

    I have one of these already made by the fair hands of Ms. Silverpebble herself and it is very beautiful.

    (not that I am bragging or anything...)

  39. It"s lovely, (fingers crossed)

  40. I just popped by to see what you have been up to and I was immediately smitten with your beautiful creation. I love that color combination and the materials you used are lovely.

    Thank you for this beautiful splash of color, just the thing!

  41. What a beautiful coloured wreath! Oh, to work all day with beads and metal, sounds like a great job to me!! I went to a workshop yesterday how to make all sorts of necklaces. It was so much fun!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  42. How very lovely. Your tutorial makes it look so straightforward too! Well done and thank you!

  43. Just found your blog - wonderful! I love your work.

  44. Oooh! I love it! I don't need an Xmas wreath over here but think it could be hung all through the year! Love it!

  45. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing this with us.

  46. Sneaked in with my post just in time! Loving all the red in this month's entries.

  47. It's lovely! I think I'd hang it in my studio, I like having nice things near my computer :). Merry Christmas!

  48. Your sweet little wreath reminds me of mistletoe so much. Just perfect. I don't really need to be reminded of colour at the moment as we are in the middle of summer. But I adore colour any time of the year.

  49. too late! missed your lovely giveaway but happy to have found your pretty blog. Betty x


I so love reading your comments and will try very hard to answer them but sometimes life gets in the way and I don't manage every time. Thankyou for dropping in here and taking the time to say something - it means a great deal.