Thursday, 30 December 2010

Fresh start

I didn't manage a Christmas post this year - there was 'flu in the house We haven't been 100% here, and we had to change our plans, but we did enjoy a small, quiet Christmas here at home and Nanna came to stay. I do hope your Christmasses were free of viruses and weather problems.

The days are now starting to get longer and I do enjoy this time of year - it feels fresh, and my outlook changes. I start eyeing the garden again with plans for the clearing and rearranging that I didn't manage in the autumn. I went out there yesterday and managed to find a few spots of prettiness to pop in a jar.

January's Splash of Colour project will begin this Monday coming - the 3rd. I started the project in the hope that looking at bright colours throughout the winter may help that rather grey, hibernating feeling that can descend. Blogging colour at the beginning of every month from November until February would mean only four such posts to get us through the winter - we are half way through, which feels good.

Happy New Year - see you on the other side

Note: The SOC flickr pool is here, but I'd love to incorporate non-Flickr participants in the colourful mosaics if I can. If you'd like to send me a photo or two then it would be great to be able to include them.


  1. I'm really impressed with your little bouquet! A lovely post full of hope. I do hope you're all feeling really well again - I do intend to (finally) join in the Splash of Colour this time!

  2. Hope you're over the fluey stuff and feeling creative again.

    Belated Merry Christmas - and hope to see you soon.


  3. So sorry to hear you have been down with the 'flu and do hope you will all be back on form again soon. Love your little posy - isn't it wonderful to find such bounty even after all the snow we've had? Your little bouquet looks wonderful against the blue background - is that your garden table? We have ours painted the same colour. All best wishes for 2011.

    Jane x

  4. What a lovely hopeful little posy! :)
    Sorry you've been under the weather, hope all the bugs are now banished.
    It's great that we're now at the third SOC, it will soon be spring!!!!
    Happy New Year Emma!
    Vivienne x

  5. That's a lovely posy. Hope you're all recovered now, and have a wonderful new year.

  6. Nasty flu bugs! I do hope that you are fully better.
    That is such a lovely little posy.
    Best wishes for the New Year.

  7. lots of blooming bugs around far fewer blooms! posy full of hope and you are right it is starting to get lighter! hoorah; happy gardening & 2011...

  8. Emma, what a lovely hopeful post and I share your thoughts about this time of year. We too have had flu and are still in the thick of it. Looking forward to the new year and a new start. All the best to you, may you have a creative year x

  9. We had the flu bug here as well. Getting more normal now. It really wipes you out doesn't it? How did you manage to find that colour in the garden? Everything is very drab in ours.

  10. Happy New Year! I like your seasonal bouquet in the photo. x

  11. Wishing you and your family a Happy Healthy New Year. Glad you are all on the mend.

  12. Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy New Year, I love a posie or two, thanks for sharing such freshness in the dull greyness xox

  13. Hi Emma,

    So sorry to hear about your Christmas. I hope you are all feeling a bit better already. We had some sick ones in the family as well.

    Your bouquet of wild flowers looks beautiful. Like you I miss my garden very much and can't wait before the first snowdrops appear.

    I wish you and you family all the best for a Happy, Healthy and Green 2011!

    Lieve groet, Madelief

  14. I went out in the garden too, but all I found was wet mouldy leaves. Still, it was good to be outdoors and at least they are raked up now.

  15. Hope you all feel better soon. We have the family staying, all with the dreaded Swine Flu so all very low key, festivity wise. We are keeping our fingers crossed the flu jabs work for us. Here's hoping for a healthy start to 2011! lots of love, Penny xx

  16. Oh I love the photograph! Hope everyone is feeling much, much better.

    K x

  17. Hope you are all feeling better by the new year. What a beautiful fresh picture, not too long now until Spring

  18. I can take you a picture of our new Disney Fairies Magical Flower Garden Game. So colourful it hurts your eyes. Thanks a bunch, Paternal Granny.

  19. Sorry you've had a sicky Christmas. Hope you all feel much better soon. I can't believe you found such a pretty posy after all that hard weather! :-) Happy New Year x

  20. What wonderful colour to find in your garden at this time of year, a lovely posy with the promise of spring.
    Hope you are all healthy and germ free for the New Year.xx

  21. Happy new year to you Emma - glad to hear you are all on the mend. I hope to be participating in SOC - weather permitting. We have had beautiful mild weather here (only just below freezing) which has been perfect for lots of playing in the snow!

  22. I am impressed with your posy. I am going to need SOC now - I find January and February very hard in a way that I don't find with November and December. It is grey, grey, grey and we are desperate for something cheerful here!

  23. The sun is shining brightly here, but it is WAY too cold to find anything so lovely in my garden. Thank you for the posy.

    Happiest of new years to you, dear Ms. E.


    P.S. I have been wearing my acorn necklace round the clock during this whole trying week and it makes my heart leap every time I catch a glimpse of it in the mirror...

  24. Happy New Year to all the Pebbles, Emma

  25. Best get well wishes and a happy new year
    (We are all just coming down with this flu nonsense, darn it!)

  26. wishing you a happy healthy and colourful new year Emma xxx


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