Tuesday 27 November 2012


Sometimes life seems a little too full and there hardly seems time to grab a snack or even to gather a few thoughts together. There has been a good deal of that frenetic feeling here in recent weeks. It doesn't sit comfortably with me but needs must - I'm torn between birthday preparations, eyeing that date that's about a month away, completing commissions, and the more mundane business of household chores. At the same time there is someone in the family who isn't well, about whom we think a good deal and who needs our time and company. It has meant that blogging has been relegated many times- there was always something more important to do.

Twitter is immediate, rapid and it's a fabulous, if rather baffling place sometimes. When I have 10 or 15 minutes to spare it doesn't feel like enough time to write a blogpost. I'll tweet a picture or two of a craft project completed by the little ones or a commission about to be sent to its new owner. The pace is different. It's a 60 second society over there. A few minutes after a picture is posted it's already old news. That said , Twitter can be like a wonderful chat room and at times there are so many good friends, including bloggers, in a conversation about cake or knitting or Cadbury's minirolls (you know who you are) that there's hardly room for any words.

In contrast I feel that blogging is like the slow food movement. When I read blogs it is far more leisurely, like dipping into a favourite magazine. I'm sure I'm not the only one who'll make a cup of tea and relish browsing through my favourites. I am full of praise for Twitter, despite the alarming news stories, but I do find blogging slightly more personal and I prefer the slower pace and the chance to enjoy beautiful photographs in a larger format and thoughts that aren't crowbarred into 140 characters.

There's no doubt that life has had a Twitter-ish feel about it recently. I sometimes feel as though I need, dare I say it, Gina Ford, to come and help me out with a daily routine to prevent me from tearing about and feeling as though I shouldn't slow down to stop and stare for a moment. Knitting for the Scarf Swap has been a very good thing in recent weeks. I have had to sit and knit a few soothing rows now and again because there are six sections to complete by Christmas. I have also been peering at knitting tutorials on Youtube. This is Irish mesh stitch. I do love the lacy holes (they're not made by moths, honestly).

I so want to fit in a regular blogpost each week and I'm determined to do it, even if it's a single image and a few sentences. I do miss this place.

Apart from the knitting the images are from my archive.

Note: I was due to be holding a winter Open Studios event this coming weekend but we may be travelling to see the family member who is unwell. Huge apologies to anyone who had planned to come along. I have been listing some of my newer pieces in my Etsy shop instead. If you'd like 10% off then type in coupon code CYBERMSP1.  


  1. Life does go a bit Twitterified at times, doesn't it. I hope it slows down for you soon!

  2. I've felt very much the same! I'm glad to hear you're finding bits of time to look after yourself, as well as caring for others - and I hope your family is okay. I love that Irish mesh stitch!

  3. I hear you. Oh, I do. Keep trucking, Lovely.

  4. I'm sorry to hear about your poorly family member, I hope they are soon on the road to recovery. My blogging has been very sporadic too lately and I don't even do Twitter! Hope you get some time to chill..

  5. Speedy recovery for the poorly person in your family. Glad to hear you're (just about) managing to keep a bit of time for "you". Take care,
    Alice Auperin

  6. Life just gets like that sometimes Emma. I use Facebook in much the same way as it only needs a photo and sentence.
    Hopefully life will settle for you soon and best wishes to your ill family member.
    Vivienne x

  7. Best wishes to you and your family...I completely agree with you about the pleasurable pace that blogging can provide. When we can find the time, that is!


  8. Hope your family member gets well soon. I love the little holes in the knitting - looks fantastic

  9. take care Emma, keep away from those mini rolls, and safe travels, will be thinking of you x

  10. hi, over from driftwood...

    these days i seem to fall into simplicity, but i still find myself on the occasional battle for it. up and downs, balance...

    i can't get my head around twitter, i prefer the slowness of blogs too.

    btw, i also liked your knitted leaf! i recently crocheted one and was also very chuffed. lol

  11. Thank you for taking the time to blog - I love your photographs and your work. As you say, it is lovely to get a drink and sit peacefully and read - a daily dose of comfort.

  12. Best wishes for good health and a safe journey in the current weather.
    Off to look at your latest etsy listings now!

  13. I know what you mean about twitter-paced life. Sometimes I struggle even to find 140 characters' worth of time! Especially as I may then have to abruptly leave a conversation started.

    I love that mesh knitting, and also the shade of yarn you've used, gorgeous. A few stitches are always a good opportunity to slow down a bit.

    I hope the poorly family member is well soon.

  14. Usually a cup of tea, but today hot chocolate ... and just a few minutes of leisure between projects. :)

    Those little paper trees are adorable, and the scarf looks lovely - I can see why you'd fall in love with that stitch.

    I do hope your family member will soon be on the mend.

  15. Life would not be full and rich and wonderful if it was always the same pace. There will be fast bits and slow bits and ups, downs and bends in the road. Twitter is good for the fast bits, blogging is good for the slower bits and we are all here, rain or shine, cheering you on because we are SO PROUD of you and everything that you have achieved. Keep pedalling Ms Pebble.

    [BTW : The next round of mini-rolls is on me.]

  16. Not really being a tweeter I miss your blogposts! Hope family stuff sorts out soon... I've had to cancel an Open Studio this w/e too.

  17. Sometimes life just takes us over and not always in a good way. Hope your family member gets better very soon. I am off to look up that knitting stitch now it looks lovely. Karen X

  18. I have Twitter but I just don't get it.. I have tweeted a few things but never figured out if anyone is responding.. :-) I also have Facebook, but blogging has my heart. I've made the best connections with my blog. Like you! I've just loved my PMC bell I made and have worn it almost every time I've gone out since I made it.
    *H*A*P*P*Y* * *H*O*L*I*D*A*Y*S*!*!*!*
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  19. I don't tweet, but I am tempted to open a Facebook account, but if I'm honest I love the pace of blogging, I can post as and when I like without the pressure! Saying that instram, not even sure if that's the right word, looks good too! Hope things get more balanced soon, however I think it might take about a month for that to happen! :)

  20. Also, on blogs, there are far less pictures of people's toast.

  21. It is always good to see a new post from you. I have a Twitter account but I can't work out how to use it - I even have two followers...

  22. Hope your family member will feel better soon! Looking forward to see regular posts of you again.

    Have a lovely evening!

    Madelief x

  23. I've been feeling much like you, except that I'm not a tweeter. I'm SO not ready for the looming deadline at the end of the month -- haven't even started. It will happen though -- with or without us LOL! Take Care and enjoy those sweet little girls during the holiday season!

  24. i agree x
    lovely post, eloquently expressed.
    sending you love for a gentle day for you and your loved ones x

  25. Hope all is well soon with the poorly person that you all love, it's a worrying time when those close to you are unwell.

    I've also been feeling the manic-ness recently but like you I've found that knitting slows me down and is a welcome pool of calmness in busy days.

    I've been trying to twitter but it is too fast paced for me, I like things slow and easy and I think blog reading will always hold more pleasures for me.
    All the very best Emma, hope there is some calm on your horizon xxxx

  26. I hope things calm down for you soon, take it easy. I understand a little of what you are going through and I am nowhere near as busy. Just had a go at my first blog and I can see how it can be time consuming. Cup of tea and a bourbon biscuit in order i think. X

  27. Beautifully put, Emma - I've had months where it's all felt too manic to write my blog or even to read my favourite blogs but having rediscovered it over the past weeks it feels so good to be back, and it's really got the inspiration going.

    I hope things soon settle down and become less Twittery for you. Wishing your relative well - illness in the family is hard for everyone concerned.


  28. You put your finger very neatly on the difference between blogs and twitter. I do both, and although blogging is undoubtedly my first love, there are times when twitter just fits in with the other demands. Blogging as slow food though, that is right!


I so love reading your comments and will try very hard to answer them but sometimes life gets in the way and I don't manage every time. Thankyou for dropping in here and taking the time to say something - it means a great deal.